The Behaviour Stream

The confluence of behavioural science and dual-process theory: designing the flow to optimise function

The Behaviour Stream

Life isn’t a series of discrete decisions.

It is a continuous flow of influences steering you along your journey. The flow can push you off course, but can also be designed to keep you on track. Whilst we might imagine we have intentional control over our actions, often we are just caught up in the stream around us.

The Intention-Action Gap

Our brains evolved multiple systems that determine behaviour. Usually they work in concert, but sometimes they conflict and our good intentions don’t lead to good actions. Dual-process approaches help us to understand why we behave the way we do, and can help design interventions to close the gap between intentions and actions.

John Parkinson

Behaviour Stream Ltd was founded by psychologist Professor John Parkinson. It specializes in applied behaviour change, integrating behavioural psychology, systems thinking, and design thinking to help clients promote success and optimal functioning. With a particular focus on the myriad influences on behaviour, Behaviour Stream offers unique insights and solutions from multiple perspectives.

“Motivation makes Incentives Salient” – Professor John Parkinson